This popular and historic pub was acquired by its owners in 2009 with a view, initially, to building flats for social housing and then subsequently developing a small housing estate. Local residents opposed these plans from the start.

Planning permission was granted in 2010 after which the site was put up for sale. After many years of inactivity, building work finally started in July 2015. Locally, this was seen as good news. However, the houses have yet to be completed.

The aim of this Blog has been to keep residents informed of current developments and to record the long history of this small community's fight to keep its pub.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Still In The Dark?

The Borough Biodiversity Officer has now commented on the application and seems to find no problem with it apart from the absence of a suitable fence between the site and the badger setts.  However, his remarks refer to a survey submitted by the applicants of which we can find no trace on the SBC website.  Unless, of course, it is a reference to the survey we mentioned in the previous post which accompanied the application in August.  Either that or there is something is amiss with the SBC website.  We'll let you know.

There is also a new "plan" on the website.  It is actually a drawing of the proposed development but there is nothing to explain  what it is or in what way it differs from the previous version.  Déjà vu anyone?  This is par for the course.  SBC has never provided any online information about new submissions or why they have been submitted. 

Our guess is that it is the applicants' response to the Biodiversity Officer's comments about fencing.  Unfortunately, we can't tell for sure because the zoom facility on the document web page doesn't work nor does the PDF download facility.  The result is that you can't view the drawing in sufficient detail.  What with this and other problems experienced by contributors to the Blog and residents alike, we think a note to our Borough Councillor is called for.  You might wish to do the same.

1 comment:

  1. can't even look at the associated documents on the SBC website as its broken again :-(
