This popular and historic pub was acquired by its owners in 2009 with a view, initially, to building flats for social housing and then subsequently developing a small housing estate. Local residents opposed these plans from the start.

Planning permission was granted in 2010 after which the site was put up for sale. After many years of inactivity, building work finally started in July 2015. Locally, this was seen as good news. However, the houses have yet to be completed.

The aim of this Blog has been to keep residents informed of current developments and to record the long history of this small community's fight to keep its pub.

Saturday 15 November 2014

For Sale?

Eagle-eyed readers may have spotted that the "For Sale" sign, adorning the pub site for so long, has now disappeared.  An easy conclusion to jump to is that the site has been sold.  However, let's not be too hasty.  This isn't the first time it's happened.  We seem to remember that it fell down during a previous bout of windy weather.

On other other hand, something might well be afoot as the ad has disappeared from the James Du Pavey website.   Sold? Or taken off the market?  We'll just have to wait and see.  As usual.


  1. Still no sign of a sale sign returning.
    Why exactly was planning permission granted, when there was such a majority opposing it? There has been no follow through for the agreed build of the 7 houses either. Where is the accountability?The pub could have been sold. What a waste.
    Love "The George & Dragon Christmas" theme
    Happy Christmas to all you at the Blog

    1. I'm afraid there is little democracy in local government. At the time, SBC was legally obliged to "consult" local people affected by applications for planning permission. Their interpretation of this was to send out a letter asking for comments and then ignoring the majority view. I seem to recall the case planning officer saying something like that although there had been several hundred letters of objection "they were wrong" or words to that effect. Oh well.

      Thanks for the kind comment about the Christmas theme!

  2. You ask why planning permission was granted with such a majority opposing it ? Could it possibly be because SBC has utter contempt for anyones views unless they support their agenda,only consult because the law requires it,but never had any intention of doing anything other than helping its developer friends ?
    You will note an earlier comment from the Blogmaster when he expressed surprise that the planners told him that their job was to support the developer to get the application through.
    Surprised ? Not me !

    Merry Christmas to all in Rough Close. Excluding any SBC councillors,jobsworth employees or greedy developers who might live here.
