This popular and historic pub was acquired by its owners in 2009 with a view, initially, to building flats for social housing and then subsequently developing a small housing estate. Local residents opposed these plans from the start.

Planning permission was granted in 2010 after which the site was put up for sale. After many years of inactivity, building work finally started in July 2015. Locally, this was seen as good news. However, the houses have yet to be completed.

The aim of this Blog has been to keep residents informed of current developments and to record the long history of this small community's fight to keep its pub.

Friday 28 October 2011

New Planning Application

OK, we've now had the opportunity to study the new application in more detail.  Here is the gist of it.

The decision to approve the last application was granted subject to a number of conditions being met one of which required the owners to submit full details of road construction, street lighting and drainage and that these should be acceptable to the Local Planning Authority.

The key point is that this should be done BEFORE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT COMMENCES. The owners now want to change the wording so that they don't have to do this until PRIOR TO BUILDING THE FIRST DWELLING.

As with most of the proposals concerning with this project, this application gives us cause for concern.  It means, for example, that the owners could undertake all manner of construction/ deconstruction activities without having acceptable plans in place for road construction, street lighting and drainage.  And who knows how long it would take for them to get around to actually building the first property.  Given their track record so far, it could take some years.

For your convenience, we've attached the relevant documentation:  letter from SBC in case you haven't seen it and a copy of the relevant part of the original decision notice which SBC omitted to enclose with their covering letter.

The section in question is paragraph 19.  They want to change the wording from "Before the proposed development commences" to "Prior to the erection of the first dwelling".

Some good news.  The Parish Council has already discussed the matter and sent in an objection on the grounds that the original wording is the best way of ensuring that the correct work is undertaken.

Closing date for comments is 11th November and you can do it online at www.staffordbc.gov.uk/planning or by letter to:

Mr A. Lynch
Planning Services
Stafford Borough Council
Civic Centre
ST16 3AQ

Don't forget to mention the planning application reference, 11/16147/FUL


  1. After multiple attempts at getting through the SBC system I have managed to post commentary.The system seems far from fit for purpose with freezing,loading and just not accepting the posted commentary problems,one does wonder how many just give up with the electronic form of objection.
    Poor show again SBC.

  2. Well done for persisting! And thanks for posting the comment. I am presently in touch with one of our Borough Councillors about the new application and I'll let him know about the problems you've been having. I've similar problems myself in the past.
