This popular and historic pub was acquired by its owners in 2009 with a view, initially, to building flats for social housing and then subsequently developing a small housing estate. Local residents opposed these plans from the start.

Planning permission was granted in 2010 after which the site was put up for sale. After many years of inactivity, building work finally started in July 2015. Locally, this was seen as good news. However, the houses have yet to be completed.

The aim of this Blog has been to keep residents informed of current developments and to record the long history of this small community's fight to keep its pub.

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Houses That Jack Built

If you've tried to download a copy of the plans from the SBC website you may have  been disappointed.  We were online for ages and weren't able to get a sight of them.  However, one of the kindly women in the Planning Dept. has sent us a copy.  How's that for community relations?

As you know, we aren't allowed to use anything from the SBC website on the Blog but if you want a copy click on the link on the right-hand side to email us and we'll send you a copy.

To be going on with, try this one.  There are seven properties altogether, five running along the rear embankment and two at the front facing towards Stone Road at an angle.  The proposal is for 5x5 bedroomed houses and 2x3-bedroomed houses.  Seven properties altogether.  More concrete.  More cars. More traffic.

Given the comments made at the Planning Committee meeting in May, we had thought that the owners would come back with a scheme for a reduced number of properties but no.  They seem to have completely ignored the views of the Parish Council, County Councillor, Member of Parliament and, oh yes, us, the local residents.  Take a look for yourselves.  We've updated the link on the right-hand side of the web page.

We think there is very little difference between this application and the last one in terms of the mass of new concrete that will be introduced, the impact on the area and the squeezing of a quart into a pint pot.  What do you think?

Here We Go Again

And we're off!  The owners have submitted a new application, ref 10/14268/FUL.  We are currently perusing the info at the moment.  What we can tell you is that the intention is to build 7 houses of varying sizes.  At first glance, we can't see how this differs very much from the last application but we have yet to review all the documentation.

If you intend to look up the application on the SBC website, be aware that they have introduced changes to the software and it doesn't work in quite the same way as it did.

Watch this space for more info.

Friday, 13 August 2010

It's All Gone (Very) Quite Over There

No sign of any activity on the pub site at the moment.  All quiet on the Western front, you might say.  Not so much as the flap of a bat's wing or the croak of a great crested newt, in fact. 

There again, maybe this is just the lull before the storm.  The original planning application was submitted around this time last year so maybe they are just waiting for everyone to be on hols again before sneaking in another!

There was a construction lorry over on the car park this week which had us worried for a moment or two.  Further investigation revealed, however, that it had simply broken down.  Phew!

Or maybe the owners are now carrying out their threat about the pub entering a period of decay and decline...

Anyway, be vigilant.